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Our services > Tax > Tax allowances and subsidies

Getting the most out of potential tax allowances

The Hungarian tax allowance and subsidy system makes Hungary to a favorable location for investments when it comes to obtaining financial support. Our experienced teams offer you a combination of tax and procedural know-how, business expertise and specialised knowledge of requirements applicable to the preferential treatment of investments, R&D, energy efficiency, workforce increase and other development activities. Our experts assist you from the time you submit your application until the allowance can be used and subsidies are paid out. We are also there to help you defending investment and tax calculations during a tax audit. On this way, you can be sure that your company gets the most out of the tax benefits.

Our services

  • Optimising the assessment base on a long-term basis
  • Identification of all preferentially treated investments, R&D, energy efficiency, workforce increase and other development activities
  • Support with the Hungarian National Agency of Intellectual Property process
  • Preparation of documentation
  • Tax audits
  • Expert opinions for audits
  • Analysis of subsequent corrective options and advice on procedural aspects
  • Individual tax allowance and subsidy workshops
  • Establishment of a tax control system
  • We for you
  • Judit Jancsa-Pék
    Partner | Tax Advisor
  • Nóra Rácz
    Partner | Tax Advisor
  • Márta Siklós
    Partner | Tax Advisor | Auditor
  • Gellért Menczel-Kiss
    Partner | Tax Advisor
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