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Our services > Audit > Assurance services

Better security for assurance services

Looking to optimise your company’s internal audit department and compliance management system? Not sure if the data that is used in your company is correct and secure? Our audit, tax and IT experts will analyse the current status of your internal control system to identify possible solutions that are efficient and tailored to your needs. We can also assist with the development of an efficient compliance management system.

Our IT Assurance Team includes audit, IT, tax and legal advisors who collaborate closely to ensure that all processes are examined fully and take into account all possible aspects. Our experienced IT specialists look after your unique technological challenges, so you can also rely on concrete solutions in this context.

Our services

  • Assessment or implementation of IT key controls
  • Audit of ERP systems
  • Assessment of compliance (e.g. for accounting or archiving systems)
  • Support with implementing new systems
  • Mass data analyses
  • Support for audits conducted by the fiscal authority
  • Assessment of data exports
  • We for you
  • Márta Siklós
    Partner | Tax Advisor | Auditor
  • Alex Bejczi
    Tax Advisor | Auditor | Director
  • Nóra Rácz
    Partner | Tax Advisor
  • Judit Jancsa-Pék
    Partner | Tax Advisor
  • Gellért Menczel-Kiss
    Partner | Tax Advisor
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